Treaty with the Winnebago, 1816

This treaty was signed at St. Louis between the U.S. and a group of Winnebago chiefs and warriors living separately on the Wisconsin River. It renewed friendly relations between them and forgave past hostilities, while confirming all previous Winnebago land cessions to the U.S. The chiefs placed their group under U.S. protection only and promised to remain distinct from the rest of the Winnebago tribe. The parties also agreed to exchange any prisoners captured on both sides. Overall, the treaty aimed to secure peace and alliance with this breakaway band of Winnebagos, primarily to prevent further frontier violence.

Treaty Details:


Document Title: Treaty with the Winnebago, 1816

Document Date: 06/03

Document Year: 1816

Document Language: English

Document Themes: Reconciliation; Land Distribution; Sovereignty; Military

Geographical Location:


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